Dubai, UAE, 8 May 2016: HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), received a delegation from engineering firm ASEA Brown Boveri (ABB), at his office. The delegation included Claudio Facchin, President of the Power Grids division, and Member of the Group Executive Committee at ABB, Noaman Amjad, Group Senior Vice President, Global Head of Marketing & Sales and Global Head of Front End Sales of the Power Grids division at ABB, and Mohamed Al Marzooqi, Executive Vice President of Strategic Partners at ABB.
This is one of a series of visits to DEWA by international companies. The visit developed closer cooperation between DEWA and ABB, exchanged best practices for the energy sector, developed a partnership to support projects and initiatives at the highest levels of excellence, and will enhance the services DEWA provides to its customers.
Al Tayer underlined DEWA’s strategy, plans, and development projects for renewable energy. This supports the UAE Vision 2021, and the Dubai Plan 2021, to establish a roadmap, to provide the best government services and implement the best international practices to make people as satisfied and as happy as possible. At the end of their visit, the delegation thanked Al Tayer for his hospitality, and for highlighting DEWA’s current and future projects.
دبي،الإماراتالعربيةالمتحدة، 8 مايو 2016: فيإطارالزياراتالتيتقومبهاالشركاتالعالميةالكبرىلهيئةكهرباءومياهدبي،استقبلسعادة/ سعيدمحمدالطاير،العضوالمنتدبالرئيسالتنفيذيللهيئةبمكتبهوفداًمنمجموعة"أيبيبي"السويسريةضمكلكلاوديوفاكتشين،رئيسشبكاتالطاقة،عضواللجنةالتنفيذيةللمجموعة،ونعمانأمجد،النائبالأولللرئيس،التسويقوالمبيعات- شبكاتالطاقة،ومحمدالمرزوقي،النائبالتنفيذيللرئيس-قطاعالشركاءالاستراتيجيين.
واستعرضسعادة/ سعيدمحمدالطايرخلالاللقاءاستراتيجيةالهيئةوخططهاومشاريعهاالتطويريةفيمجالاتالطاقةوالطاقةالمتجددةالراميةإلىتحقيقرؤيةالإمارات 2021 وخطةدبي 2021 التيوضعتخارطةطريقلتوفيرأرقىالخدماتالحكوميةالمتميزةواعتمادأفضلالممارساتالعالميةبمايحققأعلىمعدلاترضاوسعادةالناس.