| FAIRFIELD, N.J. — June 6, 2016 — Legrand's Joe Cornwall will present "Emerging Desktop Technologies" at InfoComm 2016 on June 8 from 11:30-11:50 a.m. in the Las Vegas Convention Center at the InfoComm International®booth in the Grand Concourse Lobby. Cornwall is the Technology Evangelist for the company's AV division including Middle Atlantic Products, C2G, RapidRun, and Wiremold and InfoComm 2014 Educator of the Year. The training will focus on the shifting expectations 4K/Ultra HD (UHD) brings to the industry as well as the changing perspective when selecting these displays for commercial AV installations. Covering the acuity of vision, this comprehensive session will discuss where 4K/UHD is needed, when 1080p full HD resolution is enough, and how big a screen needs to be with given space requirements. Attendees will leave the session equipped with usable formulas that can be directly implemented in the field. This course is InfoComm-CTS, BICSI, and AIA certified. Further, the session will be available for registration as a webinar through Middle Atlantic Products online training portal in July. In addition, Cornwall will deliver other courses throughout the show. These include:
• "CTS-D Prep," offered Saturday, June 4 through Monday, June 6 • "Bus Power in AV Design — What You Need to Know," offered Wednesday, June 8 from 8-10 a.m. • "Universal Serial Bus (USB) Technology Exploration for AV Design and Integration," offered Wednesday, June 8 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. • "AV in an Information Technology World: Emerging Trends, New Technologies," offered Thursday, June 9, from12:30-2 p.m. Can't attend? Industry professionals will have an opportunity to take these courses, along with other newly created courses, through Middle Atlantic and C2G's webinar series that will be presented online once a month following the show. By providing industry-certified training on technology hot topics and revolutionary solutions, Middle Atlantic enables industry professionals to better meet the AV needs of installations of today and the future. Interested attendees can register for these courses and many other free C2G and Middle Atlantic industry-certified trainings at middleatlantic.com/resources/industry-certified-training.aspx. More information of the full schedule of InfoComm 2016 meet ups can be found at www.infocommshow.org/event-info/special-events/events-at-the-infocomm-booth. |